Press Releases

For all press-related inquiries please contact Jesus Pinango at

International Crime Thriller TV Shows to Watch On Ultra Macho

West Palm Beach, FL – September 30, 2020 – Ultra Macho, a Spanish-language HD channel featuring the best in travel, extreme sports, Mexican wrestling, cars, late-night adult shows, reality series, documentaries and other programming, presents two crime thriller TV shows to watch this season that...

Vintage Adventure Movies Premieres on Ultra Clásico

West Palm Beach, FL – September 29, 2020 – Ultra Clásico, the Spanish-language channel comprised of digitally re-mastered classics and award-winning movies from the Golden Age of Mexican and Latin American cinema from the 1930s through the 1980s, premieres four classic adventure movies: Tormenta Sobre...

Heartwarming parenting stories premieres on Ultra Familia

West Palm Beach, FL – September 28, 2020 – Ultra Familia, a leading provider of family-friendly HD Spanish-language entertainment for audiences of all ages, presets two Russian Ukrainian heartwarming and emotional stories about the process of raising children today: Papá en Renta (Rent a Dad)...

Ultra Familia premieres a European businesswoman drama TV series

West Palm Beach, FL – September 8, 2020 – Ultra Familia, a leading provider of family-friendly HD Spanish-language entertainment for audiences of all ages, premieres a European businesswoman drama story: Belleza Blanca (White Beauty), an Austrian 50 minutes episode TV series produced by Satel Film...

Strange and Dark Stories to Watch this Season on Ultra Film

West Palm Beach, FL – September 1, 2020 – Ultra Film, the HD movie network, designed for the Latino audience that showcases international hit movies starring well-known personalities from around the world, dubbed into Spanish-language by the Olympusat team in Mexico, premieres four dark and...